Greetings this Sunday after Thanksgiving! How did you all survive the turkey dinner, the drive, the time with family?? I hope it was a good and memorable time! Not much longer and the Christmas and New Year's holidays will be upon us.
The weekend after Thanksgiving has been a time marking several landmarks in my life. I was married the Wednesday night before Turkey Day. Then my divorce was hastened by the time of Thanksgiving several years later. I bought my small farm and moved in the weekend of TG. I have been here 10 years now. Then a few years later I adopted my beloved Great Pyrenees, Emily, on TG weekend. I dont know what it all means but it always reminds me to be Thankful for the milestones in my life, the ones that have made me who I am.
I am bringing to you another 8 x 8 oil painting on canvas of a lovely brown spaniel of some type. This was inspired by a photo I took at an agility trial. I thought he had a sweet way about him. I am still nurturing my looser style with these. Having fun with them and I hope you like them too! I am available to paint one of your best friends, human or animal. Let me know if I can ever be of service to you!